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Ganglion Cyst

Ganglion Cyst A Ganglion Cyst is a fluid-filled lump under the skin. It is often found over a joint or in a tendon in the hand or wrist. A ganglion cyst forms when there is a small tear in the sleeve of thin tissue that covers a joint or tendon. The tissue bulges and forms a sac. Fluid from the ...

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway surrounded by bones and ligaments on the palm side of the hand. When the median nerve is compressed, symptoms can include numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand and arm. CTS is a common neurological disorder that occurs when ...

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Tendon or ligament injury of Hand

Tendon or ligament injury of Hand and Wrist Ligament injury of hand is very common, because it gets so much use and thus is exposed to many possibilities for injury. One common place for a hand ligament injury to occur is in the scapholunate ligament.Ligaments are tough pieces of connective tissue that join one bone to another. Ligaments are attached ...

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Sesamoiditis Sesamoiditis is an inflammation of the sesamoid bones in the ball of the foot and the tendons they are embedded in. It’s usually caused by overuse, especially by dancers, runners and athletes who frequently bear weight on the balls of their feet. It’s treated with rest and anti-inflammatory medication. Sesamoiditis is a specific kind of tendonitis — inflammation of ...

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Tarsal tunnel syndrome

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome The tarsal tunnel syndrome is caused by a compression of the posterior tibial nerve and causes pain, tingling or numbness in the foot. TTS occurs when you have tibial nerve damage. Your tibial nerve runs through your tarsal tunnel, a passage of bones and ligaments in your ankle. TTS symptoms may include pain, burning or tingling in ...

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Sprains A Sprain injures the bands of tissue that connect two bones together. Sprains injures the bands of tissue that connect two bones together. Sprain is stretching or tearing of ligaments — the tough bands of fibrous tissue that connect two bones together in your joints. The most common location for a sprain is in your ankle. The difference between ...

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Bone Marrow Biopsy

Bone Marrow Biopsy Bone marrow biopsy are procedures to collect and examine bone marrow — the spongy tissue inside some of your larger bones. It can show whether your bone marrow is healthy and making normal amounts of blood cells. Doctors use these procedures to diagnose and monitor blood and marrow diseases, including some cancers, as well as fevers of ...

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Computed Tomography CT or CAT Scan of the Bones

Computed Tomography CT or CAT Scan of the Bones A CT scan of the bones may be performed to assess bones, soft tissues, and joints for damage, lesions, fractures. Computed Tomography(CT) scan is a type of imaging test. Like an X-ray, it shows structures inside your body. But instead of creating a flat, 2D image, a CT scan takes dozens ...

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI of the Spine and Brain

Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI of the Spine and Brain MRI may be used to examine bones, joints, and soft tissues such as cartilage, muscles, and tendons for injuries. MRI is a diagnostic exam that uses a combination of a large magnet, radio frequencies and a computer to produce detailed images of organs and structures within the body. How do MRI ...

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Bone Densitometry

Bone Densitometry is used to measure bone mineral content and density. A bone density test is also called Bone Densitometry determines if you have osteoporosis — a disorder characterized by bones that are more fragile and more likely to break. Shreya Hospital at Ghaziabad has the best Bone Density Test facility available in the hospital premises. Center is having expert ...

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Dr. Mishra’s Shahdara Orthopaedic Center

Dr. Mishra’s Shahdara Orthopaedic Center in Shahdara , Delhi. Dr. K C Mishra & Dr. Dev Mishra is the Best Orthopaedic Doctor in Shahdara, Delhi NCR Ghaziabad Providing Best Orthopaedic Surgeries, Treatments in Shahdara, New Delhi